Il figlio di Tracy Austin entrerà tra i professionisti

Dopo quattro anni da numero uno dei Trojans, Brandon Holt ha fatto la sua scelta: passerà al professionismo, lasciando così il suo team. Holt è stata per tutti questi anni la stella della University of South Carolina, vincendo 91 partite in singolare e 74 in doppio. Il figlio dell’ex numero uno del mondo femminile Tracy Austin e Scott Holt lo ha comunicato in un lungo post pubblicato sul suo profilo Instagram, dove ha salutato e ringraziato i suoi compagni di squadra, gli allenatori e tutti coloro che hanno contribuito alla sua crescita nel suo percorso verso il professionismo.

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What a fantastic 4 years this has been at USC. With the exception of COVID, I don’t think I could have enjoyed my time as a Trojan more. I am excited to start a new chapter and begin my professional career. My teammates and coaches all know how much I love them and I have voiced that in person over the years, so I do not need to write a love story for you all to read. However, I do feel inclined to show just how special USC is to me. I could not have asked for better coaches in @coachpetersmith @brettmasi @kkwintus @dbaughm They made me feel like the most important thing in their day was improving my teammates and I in tennis and as people. Naturally, people talk about my success on the court at USC and view that as the reason I had such a great time. My teammates are the number one reason I was so happy at USC. The single biggest success looking back is @coachpetersmith recruiting GOOD PEOPLE. He recruited people I played tennis with for 4 years. But more importantly, he recruited a band of brothers who are and will continue to be my best friends. I would also like to thank my friends outside of the tennis team and I cherish all the special relationships created at USC. I would like to thank my family for the support and my grandparents who didn’t miss a match. Thank you to everyone at @usc_athletics for always having a smile on your face no matter the difficulty. The training staff was so exceptional and walking into McKay was always such a joy. Thank you to the fans and supporters of @uscmenstennis Thank you to everyone who played a direct role in our team’s success. You all know who you are. Lastly, this feels like a goodbye, but I look to so many of the staff members at USC as friends and mentors, so I know our relationships will remain strong. Love you all. Fight on forever! ✌ (Wish I could tag everyone but only lets me tag 20)

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Holt lascia l’USC con un anno di anticipo. Attualmente il ragazzo statunitense occupa la 488esima posizione nel ranking ATP, ma per sapere di che pasta è fatto non serve guardare tanto lontano. Dieci giorni fa ha giocato un’esibizione a Rolling Hills, in California. È arrivato in finale dove si è trovato davanti Sam Querrey, che l’ha battuto solo al match tie-break del terzo set, 10-8. Certo, la formula del Fast4 e lo stato di forma non ottimale di Querrey sono due fattori da tenere in grande considerazione, ma al di là dell’Oceano sono abbastanza sicuri del fatto che Brandon Holt, non “il figlio di Tracy Austin”, saprà dire la sua nel circuito ATP.